Today’s post is brought to you by the theme “A Pop of Color.” I was pretty busy at work today (I do still work for a living, when I can’t avoid it), so I did not get out to shoot anything new. The view from my office window is pretty monochromatic and uninspiring on these last…
Category: Alaska
2006 cruise up the “Inner Passage” to Juneau, Sitka, and Katchikan
20 Days / 20 Photos – Day 10
Today’s assignment is to capture “mysterious light”, creating a mood by the nature of the light. This first photo is one I shot today, while shopping for coffee. The texture of the burlap sacks, juxtaposed with the dark beans, and the angled sunlight coming in from the left, give this a somewhat mysterious look. …
20 Days / 20 Photos – Day 9
Today’s topic is “Warmth and the Quality of Light.” Photography is indeed all about “seeing light.” Capturing the correct light for highlights, shadows, and all of the in between shades, balanced properly, is the essence of a good photograph (along with composition, of course). Outdoor light moves and changes by the hour. What you see at…
20 Days / 20 Posts – Day 8
Today’s topic is “the natural world,” with a special emphasis on “leading lines,” created by natural objects which direct one’s vision to different regions of the photo. I was playing around with that same idea a little while ago and thought I could use these for this assignment. The idea of leading lines, combined with…
20 Days / 20 Posts – Day 7
Today’s post is brought to you by the word “Big.” Big is an interesting word, in that its dimensions are really defined based on the user’s perspective. To a 1 year old, I am “big”. To an elephant or a rhinoceros viewing me, that same judgment would not apply. We would universally define the pyramids…
20 Days / 20 Posts – Day 7
Today’s post is brought to you by the word “Big.” Big is an interesting word, in that its dimensions are really defined based on the user’s perspective. To a 1 year old, I am “big”. To an elephant or a rhinoceros viewing me, that same judgment would not apply. We would universally define the pyramids…
20 Days / 20 Posts – Day 6
I never claimed to be good at math. With the introduction of today’s theme – Connected” – I realized that the assignment is for 20 posts over 20 days, not counting the weekends. Hence the new title – and a second post labeled “Day 6.” Depending on what is going on over the next couple…
20 Days / 20 Photos – Weekend
Weekends are “unthemed” days for the class. Around here the dominant theme, however, is still snow and ice. Interesting colors that appear when the white snow creates a foreground for the intense blue sky and the bluish-tinted ice on the bushes.
20 Days / 20 Photos – Weekend
Weekends are “unthemed” days for the class. Around here the dominant theme, however, is still snow and ice. Interesting colors that appear when the white snow creates a foreground for the intense blue sky and the bluish-tinted ice on the bushes.
20 Days / 20 Photos – Day 5
Today’s theme is “solitude”. This one is an easy one for me, as I actually have a photo that I had previously titled as “Solitude” a few years ago. I know the idea of this class is to shoot fresh images each day, but I like this image so much that I cannot imagine finding…